Join SPARK and the 2022 FYRE Campers for our first ever “Reignite Conference” on Saturday, July 30, 2022 from 10AM – 4PM EST.
This year’s FYRE Camp theme, “Ignite Your Voice,” is an intentional space for our FYRE campers to spark conversations through the development of their facilitation skills!
The Reignite Virtual Mini Conference is a space for our FYRE Campers to present the workshops that they have created and perfected during the FYRE Camp weekend for members of our community.
You’re more than welcome to join us for the full day or for the individual sessions that interest you most!
Time | Title of Session | Presenter |
10 – 10:15 AM | INTRODUCTION | |
10:15 – 11:15 AM | Charting New Paths: Building a Brighter and Bolder Reproductive Justice Movement For decades, Black women, femmes, girls, and gender-expansive people have been at the forefront of social justice movements, particularly the Reproductive Justice movement, protesting and demanding justice and equality. With many movements gaining traction through online activism it is imperative that we continue the fight towards elevating the RJ movement through new means. This session seeks to unveil what it means to chart new paths toward reproductive liberation in the digital era by leveraging social media. We will discuss how to galvanize youth advocates interested in learning how to amplify online mobilization efforts to build a bolder and brighter Reproductive Justice movement that will transform our world. | Giovanteey (she/her/hers) |
11:15 – 12:15 PM | BREAK | |
12:15 – 1:15 PM | NiceNastyMom: Revolutionary Support for Black, Brown, and Indigenous Moms, Parents, and Primary Caregivers 40% Of Black Moms experience Mental Health symptoms. We will discuss what revolutionary support is and how it can provide these moms, parents and primary givers with what they need to thrive. | Nandi (she/her/hers) |
1:15 – 2PM | LUNCH | |
2 – 3PM | Deconstructing Classicism within Reproductive Justice | Kaia (they/she/he) |
3 – 4PM | RAP SH!T: Finding An Anthem For Our Liberation We will be exploring raunch female rap music as a means to push back against violence, sexism and misogynior. Understanding female rap music as a bold expression and a way to reclaim narratives and public discourse. We will be creating raps and rhymes that talk back to systems that talked down on us. | Candace (she/her) |